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PayBiz offers endpoints for reporting information, encompassing various transaction reporting systems such as list transaction, search transaction, along with additional reporting functionalities like login history and audit reports.

Access to the following features requires valid credentials for secure login. Once logged in, users can utilize the provided functionalities to manage and track transactions effectively. Let’s take a closer look at each reporting feature individually.

List Transaction

To initiate access to transaction details through the “List Transaction” feature, a POST request method must be initiated. This requires providing essential details such as Merchant ID, Terminal ID, and the preferred start and end dates to delineate the transaction timeframe accurately. The  URL and request body are provided below for seamless processing.

This endpoint incorporates pagination functionality. To utilize pagination effectively, indicate the desired page number using the parameter “pageNo.” Additionally, for precise pagination, it’s essential to first call the count API to determine the total number of available records. This allows for accurate specification of both page number and size based on the available records.

Request URL:
    "merchantId": "merchant1",
    "terminalId": "terminal1",
    "pageLength": "10",
    "pageSize": "0",
    "fromTxnDate": "04-Jan-23",
    "toTxnDate": "01-Feb-24"

The endpoint will return the count of records corresponding to the provided request.

List API

Request URL:

private String request() throws IOException {
    URL url = new URL(" ");
        HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    "Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg=");
        String data = “{
        "merchantId": "merchant1",
        "terminalId": "terminal1",
        "pageLength": "10",
        "pageSize": "0",
        "fromTxnDate": "04-Jan-23",
        "toTxnDate": "01-Feb-24"
        DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
        int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
        InputStream is;
        if (responseCode >= 400) is = conn.getErrorStream();
        else is = conn.getInputStream();
        return IOUtils.toString(is);

    "merchantId": "merchant1",
    "terminalId": "terminal1",
    "pageLength": "10",
    "pageSize": "0",
    "fromTxnDate": "04-Jan-23",
    "toTxnDate": "01-Feb-24"

Sample Response Body

        "id": 9604,
        "transId": "924032344370001",
        "paymentId": "824032344360001",
        "instId": null,
        "instPId": 21,
        "acqInstCode": "1234",
        "gmtTxnTime": "Feb 01, 2024 02:33:57 PM",
        "localTxnTime": "Feb 01, 2024 09:33:57 AM",
        "extConId": null,
        "authCode": "000000",
        "authTokenEncrCode": null,
        "authTokenRespTx": null,
        "hostTokenId": null,
        "hostTranId": null,
        "hostPurRefId": null,
        "serverHostDetail": null,
        "reqSentTime": null,
        "respRcvdTime": null,
        "refTranId": "847703394538",
        "origTranId": null,
        "sysTrkAuditId": null,
        "trxnDescription": null,
        "merchantId": "merchant1",
        "mcc": "5531",
        "termId": "terminal1",
        "merchantRefId": "7262527",
        "actionCode": 1,
        "actionCodeDesc": "PURCHASES",
        "cardHolderName": "ahmad",
        "cardNumberEnc": "411111******1111",
        "expiryMonth": null,
        "expiryYear": null,
        "cardType": "INST1VISA",
        "cardBin": "411111",
        "brandId": "101",
        "responseCode": "00",
        "paymentInstrument": "CARD",
        "amount": "229.00",
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "langId": "EN",
        "paymentAmnt": null,
        "cnvrtRate": 0.0,
        "cnvrtPymntAmnt": null,
        "savedCard": null,
        "status": 0,
        "udf": []

Search Transaction

The “Search Transaction” functionality operates similarly to “List Transaction,” with the added capability of applying additional filters for more refined results. To access transaction details via the “Search Transaction” feature, you need to initiate a POST request. This involves supplying crucial information such as Merchant ID, Terminal ID, desired start and end dates, card number, transaction type, status, and more to accurately define the transaction timeframe. Below, you’ll find the URL and request body for smooth processing.

Count API

Request URL:

This endpoint incorporates pagination functionality. To utilize pagination effectively, indicate the desired page number using the parameter “pageNo.” Additionally, for precise pagination, it’s essential to first call the count API to determine the total number of available records. This allows for accurate specification of both page number and size based on the available records.

    "actionCode": [
    "amount": "",
    "batchId": "",
    "cardBin": "",
    "cardNumber": "",
    "cardNumberEnc": "",
    "cardType": [
    "checkds": "both",
    "currencyCode": [
    "fromDate": "24-Jan-2024 00:00",
    "includeArchived": false,
    "merchantId": [
    "pageLength": "10",
    "pageSize": "0",
    "paymentInstrmnt": [
    "pmtStatus": [
    "termId": [
    "toDate": "01-Feb-2024 21:47",
    "tranRefType": "",
    "tranRefValue": ""

The endpoint will return the count of records corresponding to the provided request.

Search API

Request URL:

 private String request() throws IOException {
        URL url = new URL("");
        HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    "Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg=");
        String data = “{
        "actionCode": [
        "amount": "",
        "batchId": "",
        "cardBin": "",
        "cardNumber": "",
        "cardNumberEnc": "",
        "cardType": [
        "checkds": "both",
        "currencyCode": [
        "fromDate": "24-Jan-2024 00:00",
        "includeArchived": false,
        "merchantId": [
        "pageLength": "10",
        "pageSize": "0",
        "paymentInstrmnt": [
        "pmtStatus": [
        "termId": [
        "toDate": "01-Feb-2024 21:47",
        "tranRefType": "",
        "tranRefValue": ""
        DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
        int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
        InputStream is;
        if (responseCode >= 400) is = conn.getErrorStream();
        else is = conn.getInputStream();
        return IOUtils.toString(is);

    "actionCode": [
    "amount": "",
    "batchId": "",
    "cardBin": "",
    "cardNumber": "",
    "cardNumberEnc": "",
    "cardType": [
    "checkds": "both",
    "currencyCode": [
    "fromDate": "24-Jan-2024 00:00",
    "includeArchived": false,
    "merchantId": [
    "pageLength": "10",
    "pageSize": "0",
    "paymentInstrmnt": [
    "pmtStatus": [
    "termId": [
    "toDate": "01-Feb-2024 21:47",
    "tranRefType": "",
    "tranRefValue": ""

        "id": 0,
        "toDate": "2024-02-01 11:19:04",
        "fromDate": "2024-02-01 11:19:04",
        "merchantId": "merchant1",
        "termId": "AEDTEST",
        "currencyCode": 784,
        "amount": 998,
        "paymentId": "824032407440001",
        "instId": "inst1",
        "instPId": 21,
        "threedsFlag": false,
        "tranPortalId": "AEDTEST",
        "merchantSuccessUrl": null,
        "merchantErrorUrl": null,
        "merchantRefId": "ea6f64d1-21eb-499e-83ac-1d35e939d870",
        "merchantIntegType": null,
        "password": null,
        "actionCode": "REVERSAL",
        "cardHolderName": "ahmad",
        "cardNumberMask": "411111****1111",
        "cardExpiryMonth": "0*",
        "cardExpiryYear": "2**9",
        "cardType": "INST1VISA",
        "cardBin": 17895,
        "brandId": null,
        "langId": null,
        "pmtStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "currencyName": "AED",
        "areqData": null,
        "aresData": null,
        "creqData": null,
        "cresData": null,
        "vreqData": null,
        "vresData": null,
        "pareqData": null,
        "paresData": null,
        "authCode": "000000",
        "paymentInstrmnt": "CARD",
        "status": null,
        "custMobNum": null,
        "custEmail": null,
        "tranType": null,
        "applePayFlag": false,
        "transId": "924032407440002",
        "extConId": null,
        "responseCode": "00",
        "riskRespCode": "0",
        "symbol": "\u0000",
        "ipAddress": "11.99.00",
        "batchId": "1234",
        "customField1": null,
        "customField2": null,
        "customField3": null,
        "customField4": null,
        "customField5": null,
        "customField6": null,
        "customField7": null,
        "customField8": null,
        "customField9": null,
        "customField10": null,
        "customField11": null,
        "customField12": null,
        "customField13": null,
        "customField14": null,
        "customField15": null,
        "customField16": null,
        "customField17": null,
        "customField18": null,
        "customField19": null,
        "customField20": null,
        "rrn": "600466419600"

Login History

To access the Login History feature, initiate a POST method using the provided endpoint. You’ll need to provide the user ID along with the desired start and end dates to retrieve the relevant data. Below, you’ll find the URL and request body for smooth processing.

Request URL:

private String request() throws IOException {
        URL url = new URL("");
        HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    "Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg=");
        String data = “{
        "userId": "merchant1",
        "fromDate": "2024-02-02T10:18:15.481Z",
        "toDate": "2024-02-02T10:18:15.481Z"
        DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
        int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
        InputStream is;
        if (responseCode >= 400) is = conn.getErrorStream();
        else is = conn.getInputStream();
        return IOUtils.toString(is);

    "userId": "merchant1",
    "fromDate": "2024-02-02T10:18:15.481Z",
    "toDate": "2024-02-02T10:18:15.481Z"

    "userHistoryResponse": [
            "userId": "merchant1",
            "userName": "merchant1",
            "loggedInTime": "2024-02-02 05:18:00 AM",
            "loggedOutTime": null
            "userId": "merchant1",
            "userName": "merchant1",
            "loggedInTime": "2024-02-02 05:11:16 AM",
            "loggedOutTime": "2024-02-02 05:17:08 AM"
    "errorCode": "LOG-300",
    "errorDesc": "User not found"

Audit Trails Report

The Audit Trails Report feature captures any user-initiated changes made on screens where audit logging is enabled. However, it’s important to note that audit logging is optional and may not be enabled for every screen. When enabled, the report displays details of the alteration along with its old and new values. This functionality operates via a POST method, requiring only the specification of start and end dates to generate the report. Below, you’ll find the URL and request body for smooth processing.

Request URL:

private String request() throws IOException {
        URL url = new URL("");
        HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTc0YjdlY2IyODAxNGI5Njk5MjIwMDE1Y2N8c3k2S0pzVDg=");
        String data = “{
                "fromDate ": "2019-11-01", 
               "toDate": "2024-02-02", 
                "merchId": "merchant1",
                 "instId": "inst1"
        DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
        int responseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
        InputStream is;
        if (responseCode >= 400) is = conn.getErrorStream();
        else is = conn.getInputStream();
        return IOUtils.toString(is);

    "fromDate ": "2019-11-01",
    "toDate": "2024-02-02",
    "merchId": "merchant1",
    "instId": "inst1"

    "auditReportList": [
            "id": 542,
            "moduleName": "PRODUCT",
            "action": "UPDATE",
            "tableName": null,
            "tableKey": "7889",
            "oldValues": {
                "id": 101,
                "productName": "shie",
                "productId": "7889",
                "productDescription": "jaia",
                "pricingModel": "Standard Pricing",
                "price": 900,
                "billingUnit": 30,
                "freeTrial": 1,
                "defaultTaxPer": 10.0,
                "discount": 0,
                "billingUnitName": "Monthly"
            "newValues": {
                "id": 101,
                "productName": "shie",
                "productId": 7889,
                "productDescription": "jaia",
                "pricingModel": "Standard Pricing",
                "price": 900,
                "billingUnit": 30,
                "freeTrial": 1,
                "defaultTaxPer": 9.0,
                "discount": 0
            "createdBy": "merchant1",
            "createdOn": "2023-07-22T07:21:01",
            "loggedIp": "",
            "status": "APPROVED"
            "id": 541,
            "moduleName": "PRODUCT",
            "action": "ADD",
            "tableName": null,
            "tableKey": "7889",
            "oldValues": null,
            "newValues": {
                "productName": "shie",
                "productId": "7889",
                "productDescription": "jaia",
                "pricingModel": "Standard Pricing",
                "price": 900,
                "pageUrl": "imageUrl": "instId": "inst1",
                "merchId": "merchant1",
                "billingUnit": 30,
                "billingCycle": null,
                "freeTrial": 1,
                "defaultTaxPer": 10.0,
                "discount": 0
            "createdBy": "merchant1",
            "createdOn": "2023-07-22T07:20:27",
            "loggedIp": "",
            "status": "APPROVED"